Pressure Cursors

Let’s be honest, it’s only a matter of time before someone asked for these. So, I shall be that someone.

In case you don’t know what Pressure is exactly, Let’s be honest, we all ought to know what it is. Basically Doors, but better, and underwater.

Wall Dweller
Pandemonium (This could be simplified)
Angler and/or Other Angler variants (Pinky, Frogger, Blitz, and Chain)
And, who could forget, the man himself, Sebastian Solace.

Of course, there’s others I didn’t list, but that’s just a general basis of ideas.

Isn’t sevastian that one dude everyone is in love with


I’m actually pretty hyped for these-

I need a pAInter cursor

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Don’t worry, pAInter will likely be included in this.

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Grrrr, Bumping-

Graaarr, Bumping more