Ah yes the meep city community

Oh- …

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U bet

hey nagatoro , wanna be freinds?

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He told me about you

I was going to ask that

It’s not really being a Einstein- I’m just stating the obvious
Even I admit I’m not the brightest person

Omg yessss!!


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I never Have-

ok i will pm you

That’s nice

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I only told her that I’m not single and that I’m taken

Sense they randomly ask if I’m single

But I never mentioned who I’m with

I guess you wanna get suspended for inappropriate and spam-

Wait what

Ya if you repeat the same thing many times it counts as spam
And it was inappropriate to ask Nightwing to be there bf

So they flagged you and you can get suspended again

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ethan really…

Again oh no please I’m not getting expected for two whole days even 3 days again

I mean ya- it’s the rules

i mean

What kind of stupid rules are these