I wanna be kitty catt!!!
You are now meowsy the talking cat only kids can understand them
At hippys house
Hippy: wakes up
He grabbed his hockey stick and axe
Hippy: morning mom and lily and meowsy
Hippy: where’s dad?
Mom: at work
Meowsy: sleeping
Hippy: I can’t wait too film my movie with aasim and red! The bunzilla movie is gonna be sick!
Mom: well you kids have fun now here’s your bus pass for down town and up the streets
Meowsy: yawns
Hippy: sweet bye mom love you!
Let’s go meowsy and lily!
Meowsy: Okay -meow-
Raccoon: oi I won’t let you cross these streets your gonna have to get passed me
Meowsy: errrr
sup whats this rp?
It’s a rpg game I play watch the trailer of it if you want
Can I be Ethan he seems like a dope character?