Fight over which color is better

Its pretty much a joke between all my frineds


I commented “JAR” to a Jack Box funko pop

you are not my friend

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aw man

We never have been friends

your just a 9 year old that wants to be my friend

dam :skull:

im speechless rn

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ok yall serious question

you my friend, boi ew nah


am i the only one that thinks gordon ramsy is kinda fine? :grimacing:

this is lowkey getting interesting

no hes fine im in love with him and ill cook him a 5 star meal

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I also commented “hes in my bed” to this

I also have the same feelings for the green m&m

then theres this

please stop, I have made it clear I do not want to be your friend



i can say the some right back

yay ill cook gordan ramsey every meal made (I don’t know how to cook and gordon ramsey doesn’t know I exist)

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GREEN M & M IS SO GRRR :heart_eyes:

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Yes you can as I do not want to be your friend and have never wanted to

Yayyy you agree!

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ok same here