im adopting people so COME

wooahhhhhhhhhhhh I cant wait to blow it up in like a week!!!

no i need to fix somethings so no explosives either!

aw man.

Where are my siblings. I need to annoy them

they are sleeping but they will wake up soon dont worry walks into the kitchen and starts making food

… fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Is there a tv in this place?

yea living room 2nd floor!

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I have made a sort of action rp, I can only need one person

maybe you @Alex-TheGayPeep?

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ok


son you were asleep now get your siblings its time to eat!

? whos my siblings

dang thats a lot I want to be a only kid pulls out a knife

I see. a worthy Challenger. Pulls out knife BATTLE TO THe DEATH SIBLING!!!

I think I am going to like this sibling you may live sibling

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no killing each other we already have enough people for a grave-yard!

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do not we need more grave yards thats all

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