your welcome and hope you come back again!
hey @cookiecat, I wanted to apologize for getting so angry yesterday. Maybe when I’m on vacation, you can man the store. I was just a little frazzled.
I accept your apology.
Thank you.
ok, i back i had to get off cuz i was going to school, but now im in school in the hallway and oop nvm bye
umm can i get a Chocolate Smoothie and a Pineapple Smoothie
Yes that will be $15 hands over both Smoothies
gives $15
1 Like
Thank you and hope you come back again!
Hello, boss!
Can I work here as well?
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not rn but later maybe
McBaldi’s Now Hiring!!
nuggy u have competition with your nugget store
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Nah bruh
this ain’t it
we gonna win the battle
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me chocolate smootie?