"Objectum" (13+?)

See, you don’t understand, that means you never read it
So read it now
Because you look ridiculous

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are you sure

What are you talking about?

Then why are you trying to bastardize it? you’re my age

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pssst what does that word mean

I think she means I’m trying to make her sound bad?

as a native english speaker,

english never ceases to amaze me with its horrifically broad vocabulary


girl no

no one can make her “sound bad” :skull:


States in clear terms that you keep fetishes in your room and that you never let children go identifying as this

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The thing is, people can’t control these things. I’ve read comments of literal children being attracted to objects, and they’d never even heard of objectum

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please re read the topic.


You have an IQ of a carrot if you don’t understand

“iTs DaNgErOuS”
What is? letting people groom the kids identifying objectum? yes that is dangerous
but however, you were saying it was dangerous to even speak about those identifying as objectum which is very stupid on your behalf

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shes 18?

no way


I’m not


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Just because you’re not 18 YET. doesn’t mean you’re not close to it lily :skull:

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She’s currently 17

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malak you didnt answer my questions :(((

I was saying the way you worded the post made it sound a lot worse than it is. I’m sorry if that sounds mean, but it’s what I meant by commenting in the first place

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