so what would you wear to a wedding?

i vote marshmallow tbh

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ok then… but what if im bisexual

damn this music video is bloody as heck

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if its somebody i hate, im wearing an over the top white dress

They prob won’t invite you =\

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If they’re inviting you, then maybe the thing they did to you wasn’t even that bad and you’re just being dramatic about it

Who said they invited me?

You’re still being rude about it, pretty sure you should move on
Because all you ever said was “hate” but never mentioned what this hated person did

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You’re never gonna be some girl boss if you show up like that, you’re just childishly pathetic

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whenever i went to weddings they had a dress for me to wear. I didnt get to pick it but they always made sure they were neutral colors or colors that complimented the other things in the wedding.

Usually would get yellow dresses


ew- if i got yellow i would get mad at them- yellow does not look good on me

A black dress with red stans on it…

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Dang coming from the guy with the yellow pfp :pensive:
Or orange idk

i meant on ME.
if i wear yellow or orange irl i look like garbage.

i just allways try an be respectful bc its the bride and grooms day and not mine. I have let them give me perm before- and they have cut my hair before to achieve the look they wanted.


ya like cut alot of my hair

Nah i would not let them do that to me.

if my hair was cut anymore i would not have hair- my hair is already short

This is what it may look like