The hangout lounge 😊

wat da- u just got on tho

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Which one???

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she’s not feeling well

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cat bread

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There’s only about two people I’d like to call or talk to at the moment one of those people know who it is


Oh okkkkk

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if u talkin abt me i do

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You and someone else


Btw what happened to others that are the OG that know me


I’m one of em hehehehehe…


Ok :sweat: :sweat:

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Can you y’all tell me what happened when i was offline for 1 year

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i wasnt here for a year so idk

Btw peace is more better than drama and war<3:)

Carl shut this down for about 9 months because: YES (Or something idk)
(This was basically CCC endgame)

Who is carl cause i haven’t heard of this person

we have different thoughts

Carl Henson (Aka cursor guy)

Oh ty for telling me:)

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uh cat aint answering me i think she just went offline irl