Undertale Roleplay (Part 2)

yeah, sci and fresh were there sona told them he was a killing machine
and sans was wondering what kae was drawing and kae was drawing the aus together


also if i leave randomly its because i close my chromebook when my dad comes in the room so i dont get caught)
Kae: *draws *

Sona: okay, im leaving
Fresh: hey, wait for me!!
Sona: get away!!!

Okay and Gm)
Sannah: ;-;

i need to go, see u guys later)

Kae: *looks up * hi sannah! (hiiiiii! ok bye)

(also did u read?)

NOOOOOOOOO bye :frowning: )


ok, did you see what Kae was drawing? )
Kae: *goes back to drawing *


Sannah: Hi, Kae.

then you didn’t read .-.jk its fine)
Kae: *dRawING inTEnSiFiES *

Sannah: Uhm…I’m gonna-

Sannah: Drinks ketchup

Hey how’s everyone?

this is what Kae is drawing also the girl in the picture is sannah)
Kae: *dRAwing InTENsiFieS AGAiN *
Sans: What are you drawing
Kae: *ignores *


Does anyone miss me?

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UR my brother so I see u everyday, so no and nice drawing! :smiley: )