Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay

its the zombie apocalypse rp so we have to work together and fight against zombies

Name: Fuenis
Specialty: Automatics
Dislikes: We will find out :smiling_imp:
Sexuality: Demisexual ig
Personality: “Touch me I dare you” kinda guy


my heath is 50 and my weapon is knife and i like watermelons cocacola and and chocolate i have no sexuality which means im not attractive and my characters age is 10

OMG LUKE PIERCE :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

do i have a special character?

images (70)
Name: Rebecca Winslow.
Zombie Name: The butcher
Age: 39 looks 18
Height: 9’11"
Weight: 60
Likes: Her fellow zombies and eating people.
Dislikes: People
Bio: She fought her way to be the leader of all zombies. And is now the strongest, fastest, and smartest zombie. Her dad is James and her aunt is Mia.
Her true form:

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i guess i dont have special character then

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No you can have one just ask.

thx bro, i’m a survivor!

Ah yes… the smell of a topic and SNIFFF pizza.



This is absolutely dead even the pm is

Fr :face_with_hand_over_mouth: