Bacon hair rp

Bacon god:@number5
Bacon man:@ranboo
Bacon woman:
Buff bacon:
Fat bacon:@Child.innit
Skinny bacon:
Rich bacon: @Spider-Man_Offical
Poor bacon:
Evil bacon:@MasonTheLitten
Super bacon:
Mc bacons employee:
Mc bacons manager:
Plastic bacon:
Scambot bacon:
Su tart: @Delta



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I’m actually gonna be bacon man

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I got another idea for a character

Scambot bacon

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Well now we wait for more people

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May take a while

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I can’t believe nobody wants to be one of these beautiful creatures

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Fair enough

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@ShinyLitten Inform me if you would like to be removed from this rp

Shall remove you whenever I have the chance of you request to be removed

Gimme Su Tart


i want to be Bacon god

Can I be rich bacon

Can i join!?


Oki i wanna be Fat Bacon

bacon :star_struck:

Bacons :bacon: