To be very honest, we need more BBIEAL cursors…
PLZ @blife450, PLZ make this possible!!!
Happy Baldi with apple cursor
Playtime with jump rope cursor
Angry Baldi with ruler cursor
First Prize Cursor
Principle of the thing cursor
Ms’ Pomp Cursor
Beans and Gum pointer Cursor
The Test Cursor
Filename2 with banana cursor
Arts and crafters cursor
Chalkles and chalk cursor
Camping Baldi with firewood cursor
Farmer Baldi with corn pointer cursor
Joe’s ultimate bus ride cursor
Safety scissors with sad Playtime cursor
You can think pad Cursor
Bsoda can and spray cursor
Notebook cursor
Grappling hook and portal poster cursor
Cloudy Copter and campfire cursor
Gotta Sweep and WD-No Squee can cursor
It’s a Bully and Zesty Bar cursor
Johnny and Teleporter cursor