Be who you want Rp!

Except Star Strike, I’m her.

Hey @Booster-Gold @Korok @Minimogi @Mercury, care to rp with me?

Hey @StarLife_Aaravos, we ready to rp, or what?

Can i RP to?

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Sure, @solzzarr, but wait until I respond to your next post tomorrow, because I gtg to bed now…

Why does Everyone Go to Bed when i Get to Reply Once
It Doesn’t Make Any Sense

Hey @solzzarr, I’m back!

hi @Dash_Bandicoot do u love my profile photo

It’s great, hey, if you’re not busy, wanna Rp, you can be whoever you want except for Star Strike, I’m her, Ok?

(She’s a Magic Core Skylander from SWAP force)

i m rp

feels rping*

can i rp with u so i rp with ray on rp

No, you need to pick a character first, I’ll allow anyone, however, you can’t be a inanimate object, and it has to talk, Ok @kittykatgi?

I guess

i rp with u

Who are you in the rp, you have to pick a character, or you can use a Original Character, AKA an OC…

ok i am alma lilly

Alrighty then, we should wait for more people to be online, to get this Rp going…

lets wait

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i am have to go