Title: CEO of Swag FanCult
owoh i won’ leugo
give to:
@Shifter, @Tuxedo.sam, @Redpandabee, @Frog_Bee, @Kitty-Chan, @XxDeadRosesxX, @frylock, @Travjt2, @Jynxzi, @Misa_Chan, @
more people added soon ¯\ _( ’ _ ') _/¯
don’t ask why i made this, i don’t know myself.
Now that i have this account, id like to recieve this.
i must have this badge >:D
@blife450 i think there is a good amount of people, so could you make this badge please?
I should be tagged there to see it
Tag me here next week
Because Piranha used his one badge per week when moved someones request to badges
can i have this @blife450