Connor Price

I want a badge created, please! Here are the required info for the badge.

Badge name:
Connor Price Followerz
Image for the badge:

Description of the badge:
Connor Price, Canadian Rapper, Actor
People that also want it:
Thank you BLIfe

Yo @blife450 is it possible for me to gift this badge to @FALSE-REALITY so he owns or smh? Like its his to give away to other people?

Sup bro

goddang 5 sisters?

or @mittens can u answer the question

Yea five sisters two are working me and my others sisters stay home



Not you


you can do it?

if u can, make him the owner

Reload the page

thank you, i was supposed to make a long time ago because he wanted but he isnt tl3 so he couldnt make


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He could ask someone TL3

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@FALSE-REALITY and you should change the picture with a square one


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