Cursors pointing left....

Yall have any idea what why this is happening? My cursor points to the left lolol

they always turn left tho

i see my topic!!

oh cool

Hey yall… I realized I uploaded the wrong pic… this is a better pic…


oh yep, that is weird

i see Mr Cheese’s topic aswell!

it is no one suspects

This should be in feedbacks

why tho?

this was just talking about a strange glitch

because feedbacks is for things like this

Is there a way to move this to the Feedbacks section? I’m super new at this. I’d just installed these cursors the night I made this post. :relaxed:

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oh it looks like it already got changed to the Feedbacks section
I’m not sure why the cursor is pointing left, but it’s probably just a glitch
@blife450 can probably help

Holy snap yall… I think I just fixed my issue. Under accessibility I switched the color of my original cursor back to black and now my cursors from Custom Cursor is now right way up. YAAAYYY!!!

ohh well nice job

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Hopefully this can help someone else if they have this same issue. Thanks yall for responding. It’s cool that folks respond pretty quickly hear. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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