does anyone remember me???

I used to be really active 2020-2023 but I just came back and I read all my old crazy chats :sob:



I remember you:)

We didn’t ask you.

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Are you the one with the Light Yagami pfp?

Idk if we’ve ever spoken to each other, but I do know you’re good friends with Hannah.

I remember when you tried to convince me that you were older but i knew you were younger :skull:

And on your pinterest you said you were a switch :sob:

like a nintendo switch???


unfortunately no



see why cant i be silly, if i had said that, then you would have said some sort of sarcastic reply

The name is definitely familiar

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he/she asked Anyone so that means all of us (including me)

Anyone at their time here, if you didn’t see them then don’t say anything.
It’s a simple and easy thing to do.

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They asked “Does anyone remember me” If i dont know them or remember them ima answer it with a “No”

yeah that was me

I was tryna impress ppl :sob: obviosuly i was dumb lol i was like uhhhh 13

ok lets ignore that