Doors floor 2 teaser is out

Pretty hyped
A friend send me this

Haven’t played doors in a while

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Pressure still better.

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I thought pressure was just a copy mostly.

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Well, I’d say more along the lines of Inspired by, not a copy of. Doors walked so Pressure could fly.

(Wasn’t there another Roblox game before Doors like this? Rooms, was it?)

There’s more than just the doors stuff. I’d say pressure has more gameplay than doors does.

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oh ok

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Yeah. And, unlike doors, I think?; When you die to monsters in Pressure, you actually learn more about what took you out.

You learn about what took you out in doors too but you get less info than just
“Rush flickers the lights and them comes running though get in a wardrobe”
You get actual lore and stuff as well

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Which is the same for Pressure.

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The monsters actually have Lore as well

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I was talking about in Pressure
There is actual lore other than just “This entity is hostile and does insert xyz”
In Pressure there is more lore than that

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Ohhhhhh, Yeah. I knew that. I just gaslit myself.

Well actually rooms is apart of doors

Also to me doors is better but pressure is still a very good game
It’s just the fans that ruin pressure for me they keep acting like doors is so terrible when they either A haven’t played it or B they just don’t bother trying to beat the game like other people have

Also they keep forgetting pressure was literally inspired by doors
Like they probably would not have pressure if it weren’t for doors

Also doors atmosphere is just better too me and the entity’s but pressure does have some interesting lore
Also floor 2 came out for doors and in my opinion it’s great it’s more difficult like people wanted it too but apparently people are starting drama for no reason because to them it’s too difficult all a sudden when the game has literally came out for 1 day because they kept rushing the devs to let the game come out
Also the devs said there gonna fix the bugs so they gotta calm down and quit complaining about the stuff they ask for

No I will admit floor 2 is a little unfair sometimes but again it’s still possible to beat also it just came out so I’m not gonna beat to first day it does

I did not mean to write a whole paragraph :skull:

Well there is lore in doors
people have seen it themselfs

The devs are either just very good at hiding it or were just horrible at finding it

The doors entitys could use some lore but who knows they probably do and maybe later on there will I mean the doors devs do listen to there fans so they probably would add in some lore

Pressure does have some insane graphics just like doors
You would think pressure was by the same creator as doors

I like the atmosphere of Pressure better because I’ll never find a hotel scary, just personal experience with them

Plus youre interacting with the wrong pressure fans then, and even with that you’re kind of overexaggerating a bit. I’ve never seen a pressure fan say doors is an awful or terrible game, at worst I’ve seen someone say doors is mid

And while the main gameplay loop in pressure is taken from doors,
the door stuff in pressure is just the first half of the game. After you get the gem, theres a whole other segment after it that takes up a majority of the gameplay in full

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Doors doesn’t have the replay value Pressure does.

i honestly think pressure is better than doors
doors is a cool game ngl