Got any Fallout OCs?

If ya do, Post 'em here! They can be from Any faction! Enclave, BOS, NCR, the Legion, Minutemen, Institute, Railroad, Raider (Of any variety!), Any kind!

(I’ll post my duo of Utahnian shotgunner and Super Mutant best friend later, once I get images)

And feel free to tell me more about them!

(And yes, this was made in part because of whether not anyone else on here has made Fallout Characters; as well as because how hyper I am over the TV Show)

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I love the tv show


I do too, I’ve only been able to watch the first episode, but I’m hyper over it.

Maybe? Usually original characters are, well, original-

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I also got a wheel set up for anyone who wants to make a custom Fallout Character. Just DM me for more information.

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No, really. I have a bunch of wheels set up. I’d love for someone to give 'em a try!

Like are we talking our vault dwellers/chosen ones/lone wanderers/curiors/sole survivors?

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Cause my lone wanderer in fallout 3is just me

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Well, I mean like, Original Characters that You’re created, in the world of Fallout. AUs count as well.

I got nothing then

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Screenshot 2024-10-15 7.07.50 PM
What are you even doing here…?

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dude I put that because I meant it as in I was gonna take the fallout OCS

Well do not, or I will come after you and eat all your pants.