Badge name:
IBM 7094 Respect Gang
Image for the badge:
Description of the badge:
IBM 7094 did the singing robot thing before it was cool, without them we probably wouldn’t have Vocaloid or Text to Speech
People that also want it:
Wave 1 (Granted): @Freddy_Freaker, @Travjt2, @Hetfield
Wave 2: @Amir, @mittens
Thank you BlIfe or any mods that see this
Did it sing Daisy Bell or was that HAL-9000
IBM 7094 was the one who sang Daisy Bell
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Isn’t IBM 7049 also Hatsune Mikus grandaddy
maybe they both sang Daisy Bell
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Can you please grant this?
can i have it? i collecting
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@Adidas_Doge must approve it first
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