Map of CCC (Chapter 2 Part 2)

A strong wave of energy bursts through the map as the Archaic reactor ticks its final tick. The map is somehow flourished with new life and a great presence of an unknown entity. The energy pushes the borders of the reality to great sizes and establishes a new chapter in our story.

Our story begins in the year 160

How Time Works

5 days = 10 years
1 day = 2 years
12 hours = 1 year
1 hour = 1 month
2 mins = 1 day
5 secs = 1 hour

All months have 30 days

Jan=1 am/pm
Feb=2 am/pm
Mar=3 am/pm
Apr=4 am/pm
May=5 am/pm
Jun=6 am/pm
Jul=7 am/pm
Aug=8 am/pm
Sep=9 am/pm
Oct=10 am/pm
Nov=11 am/pm
Dec=12 am/pm

Started 1:00 Am Sep 1st, 2022 at Jan 1st year 0

It is currently Jan 1st year 158 at the start of this RP
& 1:00 Am January 28, 2023

Map-Reality X147


More will be added over time

-No overpowered nations
-Italics must be used when speaking as a character in the RP
-Don’t take italicized posts seriously as they are words of a fictional character
-All arguments will be solved in a voting system
Mod’s votes=2 votes

Current Map:

1 Like


alr time to start-

im gonna make a new map art


you’ll see

you done yet?


1 Like

let me see it o-0

please? can i see it @Sensei

it is at the top


Hmm where’s my land at

Bottom right of the mainland


anyways ima finish my invasion of super cereal island-


bro yes

bRo iS a FloATiNg iSlAnd In SpaCe


ik thats the new art-