Map Of CCC, The Fall Of S.U.M.D.A (Chapter 2 part 3)

A strong wave of energy bursts through the map as the Archaic reactor ticks its final tick. The map is somehow flourished with new life and a great presence of an unknown entity. The energy pushes the borders of the reality to great sizes and establishes a new chapter in our story.

Our story begins in the year 345

How Time Works

5 days = 10 years
1 day = 2 years
12 hours = 1 year
1 hour = 1 month
2 mins = 1 day
5 secs = 1 hour

All months have 30 days

Jan=1 am/pm
Feb=2 am/pm
Mar=3 am/pm
Apr=4 am/pm
May=5 am/pm
Jun=6 am/pm
Jul=7 am/pm
Aug=8 am/pm
Sep=9 am/pm
Oct=10 am/pm
Nov=11 am/pm
Dec=12 am/pm

Started 1:00 Am Sep 1st, 2022 at Jan 1st year 0

It is currently Jan 1st year 345 at the start of this RP
& 8:57 Am October 29, 2024

Map-Reality X345


More will be added over time

-No overpowered nations
-Italics must be used when speaking as a character in the RP
-Don’t take italicized posts seriously as they are words of a fictional character
-All arguments will be solved in a voting system

”All efforts have failed. S.U.M.D.A. has seized control of the world, but victory came at a terrible cost. With every corner of the globe under its iron grip, the weight of instability grew unbearable. The glory of conquering the Great War was fleeting—now, the very empire S.U.M.D.A. had fought so ruthlessly to build has begun to unravel, collapsing from within.”

yknow what sure i have a flag and everything

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mysterioland thats all i got

I’ll get working on a map.

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Oh also @Spider_Lord could you close the last map of CCC and link it to this one?


@Spider_Lord the white is sumda btw, you rebelled pretty successfully but you still have some minor cities and some major regions that remained loyal.

Can I join?

you gotta add the meowitary lol


The first battle of the first rebelling nation in this new era.

The First Siege Of

S.U.M.D.A troop placement currenctly unknown.

The orange looking one on the S.U.M.D.A side is the Sumdian 8th, one of the most veteran regiments in the whole empire.

S.U.M.D.A troops have been mapped, its seem they are greater in number then expected.

“These rebels are blind to the power they defy. They stumble, grasping at a strength they cannot comprehend. But S.U.M.D.A. will endure, and when the dust settles, they will be reminded of their rightful place beneath our reign. Order will return, and their whispers of defiance will be nothing more than echoes in a conquered land.” - General Dominus Astrarum, Leader Of The Sumdian 8th Heavy Forces Regiment.

Btw, division breakdown, The rectangle with the X inside is a infantry unit, and ones with the circle inside or tank divisions.

Oh boy I hope SUMDA’s lack of tanks doesn’t turn out to be a massive problem for them.

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oh btw @Spider_Lord is there anything you want your troops to do or do you trust in your commanders?

they must elimenate spider-man

that is all