I was flipping spam flagged for things like: I the great mettaton will eat you
Ya did it
Wanna make brownies?
starts making the batter
there was probably a reason like it was unwanted content and if you know who was spam flagging you let me know and they will be suspended for 2 weeks
I have no idea
you hide your pf
thro batter at her
ok send me the link to the chat and i will have someone look into it for you
throws some back
throw more back
still hidden
takes out chocolate chips and pours some into the bowl and throws some at jack
mhhh sweet like you
Why do I feel like singing the abc song
puts the batter in a pan and puts it in the oven
A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u y x v wont you play with me next time