Name: Cleo
Likes: Her friends and idk
Dislike: Idk
S type: Bi
Personality: Reads books, Hangs out with her friends, And other fun stuff-?
one second
Name: Autumn
Age: 17
S type: les
Likes: DDR, fall leaves, anyone chill
Dislikes: anyone rude or not chill, candy, sour foods
Personality: Generally a person who is chill and laid-back. she gets pretty angry when someone disturbs her while playing DDR. she visits the arcade often just to play DDR
Your welcome)
if you wanna start now thats fine
Sure!) Cleo: She sat on a bench just sitting there
autumn was in the arcade like usual. a crowd had formed around her as she was easily beating the hardest difficulty
Cleo: She sighs She Pulled out her phone and watch tiktoks
she had finished while the crowd was cheering Autumn: well that was pretty easy. they should make harder difficulties
someone was recording her and had posted it on tiktok. it easily became popular
Cleo: Her phone died Dang it- She Put her phone away
autumn walked out of the arcade and went to the park out of boredom
autumn: huh, I wonder why kalamari goes here so much. but eh, whos complaining. theres so much fall leaves! she walks through the leaves playfully. she was laughing all the while
Cleo: As Cleo was just sitting on the bench she ended up falling asleep
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