Rp with me, because I'm bored

Be anyone you choose, I guess…

(OCs are allowed!)

Imma be Thistle, my male elf OC of unknown origins:

You can choose what type of Elf he is, except for Christmas elf, that’ll make no sense.


oh Sorry

I’m here, I was doing something)

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Is @solzzarr here?)

i was Afk brb)


How should Thistle appear, @Tubbo_time?)


sits in the branches of a large birch

watches you both draw, smiling to myself

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moves to a beech tree a few meters away

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Smiles to myself again, and jumps from the branches, and into the brush surrounding the Oak

you both take note of the shaking brush

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(Brb, get eat dinner…)

(Nvm, I have a little bit of time @Tubbo_time!)

(Actually, I’ll have to go to bed by 9:00, so, let’s continue tomorrow, ok?)

(Nvm @Tubbo_time, I’m back!)

i am rping with u

I didn’t even mention you.

c a n i j o i n?

Yes @galaxywiings, you can join.

I’m being Cade. He’s 16, and is a loudmouth/cusses a lot.