Tags and Tag Filtering for schools

I’m sure your fine it’s not like you intended to break a rule

Your not abusing your power

But I’m sure blife would tell you if you did just incase


This is a really good idea, though, it won’t stop kids from going to those places, so schools will most likely block it regardless


Schools don’t want anybody to have access to that, filtering won’t do anything

Off topic)

Malak I pinged you somewhere it’s a reminder of how you abuse kevin the wall

im on a school computer (at the moment) and they blocked the cursors and I cant even download it

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same bruh

the idea is nice and interesting


There are probably some schools out there that still allow it, maybe like an elementary school.

Plus, there’s probably some parents who are fine with the app but would prefert their kids to not have access to some cursors

Yeah, that’s the thing, how are they not gonna have access?
It is just gonna be rated, and that’s about it

This is a really good idea. With some refining, it could make a great addition to cc


Yeah this idea is Nightwing approved


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