The Nexative Strikes Back (Applications)

Apply to be in the war against the Nexativity flowing around the multiverse, watch your step!

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can i join




you don’t have to ask btw, just join in

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a reason to use Character Doge again

should we do this in a PM? cuz it might get annoying if someone decides to bud in and ruin the mood of the Roleplay

srry, alredy created the chat, i’ll move to PM if you want

you could just copy/paste the text of the topic you made to the PM and use the topic for event updates?

Likes—using guns, animals, meeting people
Dislikes—being alone, love
Abt—likes in the underworld with her dad hades and her 3 headed big dog.

Untitled design (1)

it ain’t the best, but it shows you what he looks like. he is so simple, and that is what makes him funny, he has this sad and tough story behind him, while at the same time being a doge wearing Adidas that uses a teleporter trap and modified nerf guns, while also drinking bepis. now for info stuff

Name: Doge Nike “Adidas Doge”
Nicknames: Doge
Age: 25
Height: 4’6"
Weight: 97 lbs.
Arsenal: Teleporter trap, Nerf Guns, Buff Doge spawner
About: A doge mafia-shop owner, is on the run from the DCCS, a foundation that hunts and captures the most dangerous doge criminals. Doge is the #1 wanted criminal on their list.

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both in

can i join? i’ll do my character later, as all the info is on my laptop and i am currently on the family desktop


Eqie my name used to be Doge Nike??


I am so glad I cancelled this because this would’ve overworked me so much :sob: