True Phobia Episode 3 - Submechanophobia

Hello everyone, yes, episode 3 is finally out, life got in the way of this episode, the sunday scheduled upload is being pushed up to Saturday. Now, with that out of the way, Welcome to episode 3 of True Phobia. Today we are covering Submechanophobia, which is the fear of man made objects in the water, i don’t have this phobia but my friend @vaporwave does along with a few other of my friends.
Submechanophobia is a combination of the Latin word ‘Sub’ meaning under, the Ancient Greek word μηχανή (mechané), meaning ‘Machine’.
So anyways, let’s look at some images.

Scroll down or click off this post if you are disturbed by the images, some can be more disturbing because there are some images of abandoned machines.

First image:
4/10 I find this more weird then scary, i can see how it can be scary, but it just doesn’t do it for me.
Second image:
100/10 So remember what i just said? Well i take it back now. THIS IS DISTURBING MOVING ON!!!
Third Image:
5/10 This gives me the vibes of that “helo.” meme, moving on
Fourth image:
billions of pixels
7/10 It is hard to see, but it is a sunken ship. This image is also the image on the Wiki article. This image is pretty disturbing and ominous.
Well, that’s it for today. Vote in the poll to determine next week’s episode of True Phobia!

Next weeks phobia will be…
  • Cynophobia
  • Agoraphobia
  • Ophidiophobia
  • Acrophobia
  • Pteromerhanophobia

0 voters

If you could make a new phobia, what would it be?


man i hope Lilith comes online again so she can see this

Question have you done Trypophobia?

Typophobia is going to be in season 2, so when all the phobias in the current poll are covered season 1 will end and season 2 will be prepared
Trypophobia will be covered eventually so don’t worry about that

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Oh okay Thank you!


long words

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ngl i want to get Pteromerhanophobia out of the way so i don’t have to type it again-
but i’m leaving it up to you guys on what is covered next

lowkey i hate underwater things like these pics

Why are all of them that creepy alligator

I thought underwater human made objects, not human made gators

My friend has this fear

That gator is still technically a man made object being as it’s either an animatronic or a statue
(If you are talking about that blob thing in the first two pictures its an animatronic)

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Its scary tbh

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I got rocket league

I think my sister has that phobia

Isn’t it free?

I got it for free

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I meant got

Oh lol

I don’t play much anymore i kinda got bored of it

please dont

Ill add them to the season 2 list

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