True Phobia Episode 4 - Agoraphobia

Hey! Been awhile hasn’t it? Ive been busy so i wasnt able to get around to this. i also forgot about the show But we’re back now! So without further ado; lets get into Agoraphobia!

So, for you guys who dont know what Agoraphobia is: its the fear of situations thatll leave you feeling feeling helpless, embarrassed, or panicked.
I dont have this, or atleast i dont believe so. But yeah, not alot to say about it, so guess we’ll get into the images.

Image 1:
download (17)
4/10; yeah it can be scary. But not too panicking for me.
2nd Image:

6/10; i hate heavy traffic, it can make me feel in a thight space and panic me quite a bit. Next image
3rd image:
images (11)
5/10; i would be scared if i felt like that whenever im in public.
4th image:
images (13)
0/10, this is just funny.
Anyways, thats it for today. Ill let you all vote on what I cover next.
Vote in the poll below:

Next epsiode will be?
  • Pteromerhanophobia
  • Cynophobia
  • Ophidiophobia
  • Acrophobia

0 voters

Down to 4 phobias, then the break before season 2! Got a good lineup for that, so be prepared!


@baldimorelol or anyone else, itd be njce if you voted on next episode should be about, just a simple choice and button tap, nothin much to it

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Pov: anxiety


finally im free from having to type Pteromerhanophobia