Timeline Disclaimer 1 Introduction History Disclaimer 1 Introduction History Disclaimer 2 Images Outro Poll
Some images may be disturbing to some viewers, if you have the phobia being discussed, proceed with caution. some images may trigger a negative reaction. Proceed with caution.
Why do you guys do this to me..
Welcome back to True Phobia! The show where apparently we have yet to cover stuff a majority the reviewers are actually afraid of the images. Today we are covering a personal phobia of mine, Megalophobia:
The fear of Large Objects
Megalophobia’s originas are.. unknown. But Megalophobia could’ve started when Dinosaurs were around due to their (speculated) large size, at most. At the very least, it started when we started making those huge ships to travel over the oceans. Theres a lack of research and information on Megalophobia aside from what can cause it, such as Animals, Buildings, Statues, and Vehicles, along with the symptoms of Megalophobia,
Which Include:
- Fear and anxiety
- Avoidant behavior
- Feeling lightheaded/dizzy
- Rapid Heartbeat
- Heavy Breathing
One famous person with Megalophobia is Damian Lillard, a player in the NBA.
That should be everything, so i say we can move onto the Images. Let’s go.
Some images may be disturbing to some viewers, if you have the phobia being discussed, proceed with caution. some images may trigger a negative reaction. Proceed with caution.
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
Image #4
Image #5
Image #6
Image #7
Well that’s all today. That 6th Image is pretty heavy, but he we can move on now. As always, the poll will be at the bottom of this post. Be sure to vote on episode 5 of season 2! We’re at the 5/16 mark now! Poll ends on September 1st at exactly 12:00 A.M (Mountain Standard Time). See you all next time!
- Apeirophobia
- Scopophobia
- Cloacaphobia
- Astrophobia
- Chronomentrophobia
- Samhainophobia
- somniphobia
- dementophobia
- phrenophobia
- sarmassophobia
- Bacteriophobia
- Heliophobia
- Zuigerphobia
- melissophobia
- Plutophobia
- Xanthophobia