Undertale Roleplay (Part 2)

(omg XD)

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kae: Hmm, what’s this? *walks into the unknown area *

Sannah: Help me, ya wannabe nurse -
Sassy wannabe nurse: ugh, whatever.

Kae: huh, i-its a l-little c-cold here, *walks deeper to find out what’s at the end *

After the rude nurse patched Sannah up bc I’m lazy

Sannah: What the fwak what happened to my legs?

Sans: wonder where the kid went, I wonder how Sannah is doing, *teleports to sannah * sup

Sannah: What the flip happened to my legs?!
NUrSe: iDk

Sannah: Hi Sans ;-;

Pearl: make sure not to touch it Steven,
Steven: *touches it *)
Kae: *walks deeper * w-why is it so c-c-cold?
Sans: you good? also, you know where the kid went?

sorry guys gotta go hang with my step sis and dad s see ya

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ok bye)

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Sannah: idk- and…Kae left…?

Sans: yeah, she got up and started walking in a random direction, have any idea where she went?


Sannah: R-random…


Kae: *walks deeper and starts freezing a little bit *
