Undertale Roleplay (Part 2)

Hey we’re doing the role play)

I knew that

Oop sorry lol

how r u?

Hungry so I 'm eating ;-;

Sans:sooooo, have any idea where she went?

me too

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Sannah: …Looks down

Sannah: …

in the RP I’m temmie but I never talk

Sans: Sannah?

ik, i corrected it)

Sannah: What…

Sans: do you know where she is?

Sannah: …I have…an Idea on where is…?

Sannah: M-maybe…the…

Sannah: …Cold unknown…place…?

@Mercury hewwoooo??)

Oh she probably closed her chrome-

Do you want to go to my new topic? I just made it!