Victoria Housekeeping Badge

Wanted a badge, couldn’t figure a good idea, now here we are.

Badge name: Member of Victoria Housekeeping

Image for the badge:

Description of the badge: Suited and Sponsored by Victoria Housekeeping. Qualified for cooking, cleaning, security management, and item acquisition.

People that also want it: Me, @Silliey, @OperaGX, @Travjt2, and anyone else who wants it.

Thank you @blife450


may i have this stunning delicious badge

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Yes, you shall be welcomed into Victoria Housekeeping with open arms.

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bumping this bc need

bumpity bump bump


Well can I have it

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Yes you may, all are welcome in Victoria Housekeeping.


Can i

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y e s

i wonder how many people need to want this badge before it gets accepted

maybe ping blife

Other people didn’t need to, so I won’t.

I’ll just wait until it’s time.


im pretty sure they did

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hi! :D

you stealy my line >:c