Welcome to Tidepoint

Welcome to Tidepoint, a small coastal town in eastern Lunette.

This little town is home to only few families, and mostly individual people looking to make a living off the ocean’s bounties.

Fishing is a huge business, though more interestingly, Research into the unique fish species that are exclusive to the Eastern Coast of Lunette is the main draw of the town.

As far as population goes, no notable people live here yet.
Besides me of course.

I own a frequented tavern, called the Lantern Inn.
A few of my close friends and I built and have run this Tavern for only a few years thus far; however, we have already seen enough sights for one’s lifetime.

From pirates looking for a meal, to people in white coats asking about the local wildlife, we’ve seen it all.

Come on in, and have something.
Share how your day’s been, or something that you find interesting.
Ask questions, or just sit in the back with whatever you ordered.