The CCCies 2021

Ok @5starrose

i voted for ariana grande on one of the things

@Arianagrandefan I hope you win

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Pm me Nuggy


Theres a kid in 8th grade at my school
Hes really freakin fat

he takes up half of an entire hallway

theres a kid next to me like that

Does he smell

yeah and he be sweating everyday after walking up the stairs


the part abt my fat dude

is that hes only fat from stomach down

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the dude who i was next to is fat everywhere


im going to another football game tonight :weary:

good luck ash

im just gonna be watching lol


its fine lol

im going with @AstroWrld


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NIce :ok_hand:

we need more votes, i have 7 responses and idk how many people have told Gem their votes but i have spreadsheet with candidates and how many votes they have

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