Undertale and deltarune clan FAN Badge

@blife450 can you plz make the badge like thisMV5BNTZjZjhlNTQtNTY3OS00ZGE1LTg2MGMtNTI3ZDI5MTJhYzhiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTg2NzgzMDE@.V1_UY268_CR19,0,182,268_AL


I want a clan is why

I think that a badge for something existing, like a game should be a fan badge
So that anyone who wants it could get it

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Created as a Fan badge
Who wants it, tag me in this topic

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@blife450 me plz

@blife450 me

@IAMLOLBIT666 and @octo granted

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How I don’t see a clan @blife450

but I see it for some reason
and its granted an hour ago

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ok thank you then

Wait but @blife450 it is a badge??

And I asked my friend If he could see a clan next to my name but he said no

Just open your profile and select a title, if you are about that

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Undertale and deltarune are games, many people may want that and we can’t limit it to only one clan

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@blife450 me pls

@blife450 me plzz

@Flame_Sherazaky @Mercury Granted

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can @Matthew_Zamora join

me plz @blife450